Ways to get involved

Guide to getting involved in the CCR

Consult this guide for information about how to get more involved in the CCR.

Join the CCR

The CCR is made up of its member organizations and depends on its members to provide direction and leadership. Are you are representing or associated with an organization that is already a member of the CCR? If not, please consider encouraging your organization to join the CCR. The CCR also accepts individuals as associate members.

Working Group Chairs

Co-chairs for the Working Groups are elected each November, with a call for nominations on the CCRlist beforehand. For those who do not feel confident or ready to take on such a role, the CCR may be able to provide support and mentoring. The criteria to be elected Co-Chair are that candidates must represent a CCR member organization and have attended at least one previous Working Group meeting.

Executive Committee

The members of the Executive Committee are likewise elected each November, following a call for nominations is announced on the CCRlist over summer. There are usually more candidates than positions - those elected tend to be people who have been seen to be active in the CCR. Candidates must represent a member organization.  The CCR works to ensure that Executive members reflect the diversity of the membership, in terms of experience, expertise, interests and geography.

Participating in Meetings

The CCR organizes national Consultations every spring and fall, usually in late November and late May. The Working Groups hold four meetings a year; at the Consultations, and also in February (in Toronto, Ontario) and in September (in Montreal, Quebec). Participants who attend these meetings will find there are many opportunities to volunteer. Information about upcoming meetings is available on the Meetings page.

CCR List: Stay in Touch by Email

The ccrlist, the CCR's listserv, is an excellent way to get involved. Messages over the ccrlist provide Information updates and suggestions of actions, as well as announcing specific opportunities to be involved in CCR activities. For more information, including about how to join, please visit the ccrlist page.

Amina Malko Refugee Participation Fund

Recipients of the Fund have their expenses paid to attend three CCR meetings in the year. (See Refugee Participation for a fuller description). Applications are received towards the end of each year.

Refugee Leadership Development Program

The Refugee Leadership Development Program exists to encourage refugees to aspire to leadership positions within the CCR and support them as they prepare for these roles. Applications are received towards the end of each year.

Youth Network

Youth and people who work with youth are encouraged to join the CCR's Youth Network. More information is available at the Youth Network page.

Doing Advocacy and Public Education on CCR Issues

We always need people to advocate and educate on issues of concern to the CCR - bringing our concerns to the media, politicians, potential allies, the general public. If you want to organize something locally, you can likely count on other CCR members in your region to join you. Many information tools are available on our website (see especially the Action page and the Public Education page). Please contact Andréa Viens at aviens@ccrweb.ca if there are simple things the CCR could do to give activists across the country more support.


You could offer to volunteer your services with a CCR member organization in your area. Click here to find out which organizations are in your region and how to reach them. To find out more about volunteering opportunities with the CCR office in Montreal, contact Claudia Cojal at ccojal@ccrweb.ca.