Parliament - submission toPDFThis report is a submission to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration for their study of Application Backlogs and Processing Times.
Legislation - submission onPDFThis submission is made as a contribution to the Committee’s study into the Subject Matter of Clauses 301 to 310 (Part 4, Division 16) of Bill C-97,…
Legislation - submission onPDFThe CCR calls for the elimination of provisions in the omnibus Budget Implementation Act, Bill C-97, that significantly reduce the rights of refugee…
Parliament - submission toPDFThis written submission is provided to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration Committee in the context of the study…
Parliament - submission toPDFThis is the CCR submission to the 2018 House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights for their study on human trafficking in Canada…
Legislation - submission onPDFThe attached are the CCR's representations concerning the proposed changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, with respect to the…
Legislation - submission onPDFThe attached document forms the comments of the Canadian Council for Refugees on the proposed amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection…
Parliament - submission toPDFSubmission to the House Standing Committee on the Status of Women for their study on Violence Against Young Women and Girls in Canada
Legislation - submission onPDFThe attached form the comments of the Canadian Council for Refugees on the proposed amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations…
Legislation - submission onPDFSection 117(9)(d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations imposes a lifelong sponsorship ban on family members who were not examined at…
Parliament - submission toPDFThis is the CCR's submission to HUMA (the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with…
International body - submission toPDFReport to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on Canada’s compliance with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and…
Legislation - submission onPDFThe CCR commented on proposed regulations to:
Raise from 16 to 18 the minimum age of eligibility to immigrate to Canada as a spouse or partner.
Parliament - submission toPDFA submission to the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence for its study on the policies, practices, and collaborative efforts of…
International body - submission toPDFSubmission to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention for consideration in “Guiding Principles on the right of anyone deprived of his or her…