Donate now to the CCR

For more than 40 years the CCR has been working for a Canada that protects refugees and welcomes newcomers. Your donation helps make that vision a reality.

Thank you for helping us in our work of... 

Sabontu and her children

Raising voices in favour of refugees

Many refugees, like Sabontu and her children (left), wait years to be resettled in Canada. Others struggle to get through the challenging refugee claim process in Canada. The CCR speaks out about the impact on refugees of slow processing and unfair rules. We pay particular attention to the most vulnerable, including children.


Educating the public

When Canadians know about the realities and contributions of refugees and immigrants, they welcome them into their communities. The CCR plays a leadership role in getting the message out.

Defending refugee rights in the courts 

The CCR ensures that the voice of refugees is heard in important court cases. The CCR has intervened in many recent Supreme Court cases that have strengthened the rights of refugees and other vulnerable migrants.



Reuniting families

The CCR works to reunite children with their parents. Many families are now reunited in Canada with some help from the CCR. Recently the CCR called for Express Entry Family Reunification, so that children can be reunited with their parents in six months or less.





Engaging newcomer youth

Newcomer youth have an enormous amount to contribute, when given the chance. The CCR:

  • Provides a space for youth to meet at the national level.
  • Supports youth communicating their concerns in creative ways.
  • Promotes the leadership of newcomer youth. 


Facilitating networking across Canada

The CCR connects organizations working across Canada to support refugees and immigrants. Together they share information, identify emerging issues and plan joint action to address the pressing issues affecting refugees and immigrants in Canada.